Mirabelli SM
- 290 claims – 15,370 Ha.
- This project is accessible by the main road leading to Eastmain.
- Located to the west and south of the band of green rock containing the James Bay Lithium deposit (Allkem – 37M tm @ 1,3% Li (2021)).
- This project contains a favorable geological environment for the presence of spodumene pegmatites. Several pegmatites containing biotite, muscovite, beryl, and tourmaline have already been listed by the MERN.
- This project will also be the subject of a vast exploration campaign in Summer 2023.
- Locate on Junior Mining Hub Interactive Map

This property was acquired by staking for its lithium potential. Nothing indicates for the moment the presence of spodumene on these claims but different geological formations including several strips of green rocks, vast granites, granodiorites and garnet paragneisses cut by several pink or white pegmatites often containing biotite and muscovite, may indicate the presence of this mineral. The presence of sillimanite, beryl, garnet, and tourmaline also reinforces this possibility. The James Bay Lithium deposit held by Allkem is located further east at the contact of garnet paragneiss with amphibolitized basalts in what is called the Jolicoeur Complex. Mirabelli SM is also found in the Jolicoeur Complex with garnet-sillimanite paragneiss in contact with amphibolitized basalt.

According to the MERN, it is also mentioned that injections in the form of dykes or intrusive masses cut through these garnet and sillimanite paragneiss and that certain white pegmatites injected into the sedimentary sequence of the Jolicoeur Complex are associated with the appearance of sillimanite, as is the case for the Causabiscau Suite, in which there are several spodumene pegmatites.
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