Pluton SM
- 110 claims – 5,870 Ha.
- Located on the eastern edge of Patriot Battery Metals’ Corvette Lithium Project
- Occurrence of biotite-muscovite granite on the property
- Occurrence of pegmatite associated to an ENE-trending structure to the NE of the property
- Several outcrops of felsic intrusion never assayed for Li
- Follow-up on lake sediment LiCs anomalies and strong focus on ENE fault zone corridor and associated intrusions

Located directly adjacent to Patriot Battery Metals (PMET.V) Corvette lithium project, the 110 claims constituting the Pluton SM project are located in an environment comprising granitic intrusives with the presence of biotite and muscovite, two minerals considered as markers in the search for lithium. A few surface samples taken in this environment by the MERN gave indications of lithium and thorium contents. The latter is a potential indicator for the presence of minerals such as cesium or rubidium which are themselves useful markers for the search for lithium.