Lichen Project
Covering 17,000 hectares (307 mineral claims), the Lichen property is located approximately 100 km west of the Chibougamau mining camp. The property is underlain by the volcanic rocks of the Obatogamau formation intruded by stocks and plutons of intermediate composition. The volcanic belt is parallel to two known gold bearing volcanic belt, the Bachelor Lake gold area to the west and the Osisko-Windfall gold area to the south. The Nelligan Gold project and The Monster Lake Gold project are located at the eastern extremity of the volcanic belt. Numerous gold and copper showings are also found to the east and to the west of the property.

The volcanic rocks of the property have been intruded by two stocks and are in contact with the Lichen Pluton to the south. This geological environment is favorable to the presence of pegmatite, which were mapped within the Lichen pluton just to the south of the property.

A similar geological environment to the Doré Lake Anorthosite Complex is also present on the property. In the Chibougamau mining camp, many of the copper-gold mines are in close proximity with the Doré Lake Anorthosite Complex. The volcanic belt is in direct contact with the Opawica River Anorthosite Complex and copper showing are present just to the northwest of the property. Many copper intercepts up 900 ppm Cu and up to 2.05 m were reported in close proximity with the contact the anorthosite complex.